Having trouble viewing this e-mail? You can read it online at: ![]() Finally there is a great filter to block Internet pornography and other objectionable content! Kristi and I have used this filter for 6 years now and want to recommend the Bsafe Online filter to you. We absolutely love it. To find out more and get your own FREE 10-Day Trial, just visit: http://www.Heart4Teens.com/filter _____________________________________
![]() Michael's updated book Heart Touchers "Life-Changing Stories of Faith, Love, and Laughter," for just $13.95. Autographed copies are available at no extra charge and we will pay the shipping for you. An e-book is also available for $3.25. Visit the link below to preview the book. http://www.Heart4Teens.com/books Be sure to let us know who you would like it autographed for and then allow _________________________________ Is There Life After High School Musical 3?
Just when you thought High School Musical had ridden off into a Disney-filled sunset,
you are now fully aware that the third and possibly final installment is back and bigger than ever. Given the previously complicated nature of the plot lines from HSM 1 and 2, let me give
you a synopsis of the storyline, courtesy of Hudgens herself: "It's senior year," the actress said, "so there's going to be graduation and prom!"
Did you catch all that?
But what will we do when the Wildcat gang has all graduated and the kazillion dollar
franchise has moved on??? Fear not fans, I have a feeling that HSM 4 is already being formulated in the genius
minds of Disney writers even as you read this. Miley Cyrus anyone? Oh...bet on it - bet on it.
Another thing you can bet on is the fact that there will be enough excitement about
the movie, the soundtrack, and (of course) the merch to power a nuclear reactor. HSM fans really do feel like they are all in this together, and this might be their last chance (sniff...sob). OK, so I get getting excited about a movie or series of movies. Especially when you
can relate and even wish your high school experience was filled with the innocence and the genuineness of East High School. What I don't get is the fact that in the real world there is a fantastic, mysterious, and
relational God who wants to bring authenticity and innocence to His creation...but hardly anyone seems to get excited about that anymore. Maybe folks have forgotten or never even learned about who God is and what He is like?
Perhaps you see Him as an old man in a cosmic rocking chair who just smiles and waves as you go about your life? Or even worse, your understanding of God is that He is in charge of the fun police, so don't you dare try and mix happiness and joy with being a Christian, or you might get a lightning bolt upside your head. Well, if you only knew the true nature of Yahweh, the God of the Bible, I believe you
would understand true excitement. So let me get you started down this amazing path. First of all - in the words of Rich Mullins - our God is an awesome God. He has always
been and He will always be. Just to give you a picture of how great God is, check out these statements: Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale? (Isaiah 40:12). Wait a sec - did you catch that? God used the palm of His hand to measure the oceans
of planet earth! That's 687 decillion gallons of water! Oh - and he measured off the span of the universe with His fingers. That would be 18 billion light years in just the observable universe. A light year is 67,890,000 miles, so the known universe is 68 million miles times 18,000,000,000! Now are you getting an idea of how awesome God is? But the most exciting part is
that this incomprehensible Being who needs absolutely nothing from anyone actually desires to be our friend. After all, the Bible says that the fingers of God that measured the universe also knit each of us together in the womb of our mother. The same hands that held all the water on planet earth were nailed to a cross. Why? Because this awesome God chose to die rather than live without us. The hands
that formed the universe now reach out to you in love and acceptance. Will you accept Him? He's given you a choice, you know. You can choose to struggle
and fight against the way God designed life, or you can fall back into the arms of Jesus Christ by trusting Him for forgiveness and true relationship. You can wake up each day knowing that you are in a friendship with the God who made everything and will love
you forever. And when you do accept Him, know that you are accepted as well...totally and
unconditionally. Now that is something to get excited about!
Head: What you need to know about this truth
The awesome God of the universe created us to be in relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
Heart: What you need to feel about this truth
Feel excited and overwhelmed that a forever loving relationship is available to you each and every day! Hands: What you need to do about this truth
To get a better idea of who God is and what He is like, read Psalm 139 each day this week. Source: Dare2Share.org _________________________________ Creation Q & A Where did morality come from? Morality is a very difficult problem for the evolutionary worldview. This isn't to say that evolutionists are somehow less moral than anyone else. Most of them adhere to a code of behavior. Like the biblical creationist, they do believe in the concepts of right and wrong. The problem is that evolutionists have no logical reason to believe in right and wrong within their own worldview. Right and wrong are Christian concepts which go back to Genesis. By attempting to be moral, therefore, the evolutionist is being irrational; for he must borrow biblical concepts which are contrary to his worldview. The Bible teaches that God is the Creator of all things (Genesis 1:1; John 1:3).
All things belong to God (Psalm 24:1) and thus, God has the right to make the rules. So, an absolute moral code makes sense in a biblical creation worldview. But if the Bible were not true, if human beings were merely the outworking of millions of years of mindless chemical processes, then why should we hold to a universal code of behavior? Could there really be such concepts as right and wrong if evolution were true? Some might respond, "Well, I believe in right and wrong, and I also believe in
evolution; so, obviously they can go together." But this does not follow. People can be irrational; they can profess to believe in things that are contrary to each other. The question is not about what people believe to be the case, but rather what actually is the case. Can the concepts of right and wrong really be meaningful apart from the biblical God? To put it another way, is morality justified in an evolutionary worldview? Read the rest of this article on our website: http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2008/04/14/evolution-challenge-of-morality
Click on the Bible above or visit the web site listed below! ___________________________________________ Thought For The Day
"More people fail for lack of encouragement than for any other reason." Verse for the Day "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." -- Proverbs 13:12 Teen's Thought For The Day "You don't find time -- You make it!" Parent's Thought For The Day "Parents are not interested in justice, they are interested in quiet." --Bill Cosby Creation/Evolution Thought For The Day "The number of intermediate varieties which have formerly existed on earth must be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory." - Charles Darwin 1902 edition. Coach's Thought For The Day The only people who make no mistakes are dead people. I saw a man who had not made a mistake for four thousand years. He was a mummy in the Egyptian Department of the British Museum." --H.L. Wayland Deep Thought For The Day When my friend told me that he was trying to quit smoking, I slapped him across the face and screamed, "What are you thinking! Hasn't anyone ever told you that quitters never win!" He got really mad and said something about me not understanding. We really haven't talked since. But I'll be there for him when he realizes how silly he was being. __________________________________________
![]() Author MICHAEL T. POWERS Contributing Author to Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenage Soul and 27 other inspirational books. Over 155,000 people have listened to popular Chicken Soup Author Michael T. Powers' free inspirational message entitled: "Breathing Life into Others". If you aren't one of them just visit: http://www.heart4teens.com/ and click on the link to listen to the free streaming audio message! "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20 ALL-STAR Youth Ministry --The Youth Church of Faith Community Church in Janesville, WI
If you are in 7-12th grade and live in the southern Wisconsin/northern
Illinois area come check us out! Jr. High meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30 am - 10:30 am. High School age meets on Sunday night from 6:30-8:00 pm at Faith Community Church which is located at 2931 Lucerne Dr. in Janesville, WI. (About 3 blocks south-east of the Pontiac Convention Center.) Currently we have students from Edgerton, Fort Atkinson, Milton,
Janesville Craig, Janesville Parker, Marshall, Franklin, Clinton, Beloit Memorial, and Beloit Turner. E-mail me back if you have any questions about our weekly meetings or would like to come to any of our events that are listed below... We have way too much fun and then, most importantly, talk about issues that are relevant to you as a teenager. This Week December 14 Jr. High -- 9:30 am - 10:30 am - "In Remembrance of Me" High School -- 6:30 - 8:00 pm - "In Remembrance of Me" Visit our youth website to see our topics up through the year 2010! http://www.faithcommunitychurch.net/upcoming_topics __________________________________________ ![]() Teen Community Groups 6:30 - 8:00 PM Wednesday nights -- These groups are limited to no more than ten teens and are split into Jr. High and High School ages. This night is for those teens who want to dig deeper than what we do on Sundays. These cell groups will also be doing special activities with each other as the year goes on to build community. Jr. High meets at 2109 N. Pontiac. Questions, call 373-0886 High School meets at 1918 Liberty Lane. Questions, call 757-1938.
This Week December 10: Rebuilding the Wall For more info on our small groups, visit: http://www.faithcommunitychurch.net/small_groups _____________________________________________________ Do you feel as if life has no meaning for you? http://www.HeartTouchers.com/Life_Purpose |