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*A Different Kind of Athlete*


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By Jaye Lewis

We found out that Jenny was hearing impaired, when she was four and a half years old. Several surgeries and speech classes later, when she was seven, we found out that Jenny had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

She could not put pressure on the heels of her feet, so she walked on tiptoe, and when the pain became unbearable, I carried her. Jenny was fortunate, though, because she did not suffer the deformities, often associated with JRV.

All through grade school, and on into high school, Jenny suffered, yet never complained. She took her medicine, and I would often wrap her feet in steaming towels, and hold her until the pain eased. But, as soon as she could withstand the pain, Jenny, immediately, carried on, as though she were pain free.

She wore a smile on her face, a song on her lips, and a love and acceptance of others, that was, simply, amazing. I don't remember her ever voicing self-pity. She ran, when she could run. She played when she could play, and she danced when she could dance. And, when she could do none of these things, she took her medicine, and she waited until she could.

Jenny, a beautiful blonde, with warm brown eyes, was never a cheerleader. She never competed in a sport. She could not even take part in a Gym Class, though she took the same health class four years in a row, just so she could pass with a substitute credit each year. She joined the band. She won a place in the Governor's School for the Arts; yet, no one in the Charleston, South Carolina School System knew what to do with Jenny. The perimeters were, simply, not in place to deal with a student, who was both active and handicapped.

Jenny continued to have one surgery after another on her ears, all through school. Her hearing improved to 60%, and she taught herself to read lips. She carried a pillow to school, all through high school, and once, when she suddenly experienced crippling pain, her friends scooped her up, and carried her from class to class.

She was totally mainstreamed, popular, and funny, attending every football game, cheering the team on, carrying her pillow everywhere she went, so that she could cushion the pain, when she sat down. Then came her senior year. She would be considered for scholarships; however school activities, especially sports, could often mean the difference between receiving an award or losing out.

So Jenny came to a decision; and in her quirky, unorthodox manner, she began to bombard the high school football coach. She begged. She pleaded. She promised. She got her best friend to sign up with her. Finally the coach gave in, with the admonition, "If you miss ONE game, you're out!" So, Jenny became Manager of the Garrett High School Football Team.

She carried big buckets of water to her teammates. She bandaged knees and ankles before every game. She massaged necks and backs. She gave pep talks. She was continually at their beck and call, and it turned out to be one of the best years for Garrett High School Football Team, in its twenty-five year history. Often Jenny could be seen carrying a bucket of water in each hand, nearly dragging them, along with her pillow tucked under her arm.

When asked why he thought that the team was winning all their games, even in the face of injury, one linebacker explained, in his soft, Charleston drawl, "Well, when you've been knocked down, and you can't seem to move, you look up and see Jenny Lewis, limping across the field, dragging her buckets and carrying her pillow. It makes anything the rest of us may suffer seem pretty insignificant."

At the Senior Awards ceremony, Jenny received a number of scholarships to College of Charleston. Her favorite scholarship, however, was a small one from the Charleston Women's Club. The President of the Women's Club listed Jenny's accomplishments, starting with her grades, and ending with an excited, "...and the first girl to letter in football, in Garrett High School history!!"

Jaye Lewis

Write Jaye and let her know what you thought of her story!

Footnote to story: Jenny Lewis-Hamblin is happily married to Tommy Hamblin, who is very precious to our family. Jenny is still the same sweet spirit that she was throughout her life...still in pain, still uncomplaining, still courageous, and one of the finest Christian woman I have ever known. Tommy, also, has been battling a health problem that is life threatening; yet he does it with humor, courage and faith. If you would like to contact Jenny and Tommy, to lift them up, you can reach them at:

Please reference the story in the subject line; and please remember them in your prayers.


Jaye is a freelance, writer, wife of a retired Navy Chief Electrician, and mother of three grown daughters, who still amaze her. She's also thrilled to be living in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains, of southwest Virginia.



~ Teen Q's
This site provides biblically based answers to the tough questions that teens ask. Topics include everything from depression and eating disorders to friendship and sexual purity.



Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older.


Thought For The Day:

"We don't need anymore leadership training; we need some followership training." --Maureen Carroll

Verse for the Day:

"Anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." --Matthew 10:38

Parent's Thought For The Day:

"We never know the love of the parent till we become parents ourselves." --Henry Ward Beecher

Coach's Thought For The Day:

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen." --John Wooden

Deep Thought For The Day:

There are two rules for ultimate success in life.

1. Never tell everything you know.



Not Again!

Two young guys joined a construction crew commissioned to build a multistory office building. At lunch they sat themselves on an iron girder high above the ground and opened their lunch boxes.

"I can't believe it," groaned Joe. "Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I don't like peanut butter and jelly!"

With that, he crumpled his sandwiches and hurled them to the ground.

Lunch on the second day was a repeat of the first--Joe became visibly upset with the sandwiches in his lunch. Once again, he hurled the sandwiches 17 stories below.

Joe's buddy dreaded lunch on the following day. Sure enough, rather than enjoying a well-deserved rest, he was stuck listening to his new coworker complain. Day after day he silently watched Joe sort through his lunch, exclaim over the offending sandwiches, and send them hurtling to the ground.

"I've had it with peanut butter and jelly!" screamed Joe once again. Angrily smashing the sandwiches in his hand, he thrust them to the ground below.

Unable to restrain himself any longer, Joe's buddy blurted out, "Look, if you don't like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, then tell your wife not to make them anymore."

"Hey, buddy, wait a minute," snapped Joe. "Don't bring my wife into this. I make my own sandwiches!"


--The Youth Church of Faith Community Church in Janesville, WI

If you are in 6-12th grade and live in the southern Wisconsin/northern Illinois area and would like to check us out, we meet every Sunday night from 6:30-8:00 PM at Faith Community Church which is located at 2931 Lucerene Dr. in Janesville, WI. (About 4-5 blocks south-east of The Skating Place.)

Currently we have students from Fort Atkinson, Milton, Janesville Craig, Janesville Parker, Orfordville, Clinton, Beloit Memorial, Beloit Turner, and Hononegah. E-mail me back if you have any questions about our weekly meetings or would like to come to any of our events that are listed below... We have way too much fun and then, most importantly, talk about issues that are relevant to you as a teenager.

Here are our upcoming topics:

12/1 -- Teen Pregnancy

12/8 -- Abortion

12/15 -- What does the Bible say about alternative lifestyles?

12/22 – "Not Too Far" Christmas Drama

12/29 Christmas party at the Schwandt House 6:30 - 9:00 PM

1/5 -- Macho Man Project (Guys), Mentoring Modesty (Girls)

1/12 -- Going off to College ("I'm finally free to do what I want, right?")



"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20


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Touching Lives - One E-mail at a Time!
Author Michael T. Powers - HeartTouchers @
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